Lacey Evans Tells WWE Hall Of Famer To "Kiss" Her "A**."

Lacey Evans Tells WWE Hall Of Famer To "Kiss" Her "A**."

Lacey Evans has taken shots at a WWE Hall of Famer.

Lacey Evans is done with WWE and is doing her own thing outside the company. At this time, Lacey Evans does not appear too involved in professional wrestling.

During her time in WWE, though, Lacey Evans was given a military character and started to use the Cobra Clutch, a move that had previously been used by Sgt. Slaughter. Unfortunately for Lacey Evans, Sgt. Slaughter and his daughter both took exception to her using the move and made their feelings about the matter clear publicly.

"She got a little upset with the WWE for her [Lacey Evans] coming out and using the move that I used. I just didn't understand why they didn't come to me and say, 'Is it okay?' I would have said, 'Yeah, it would be a blessing if you wanna use my move.' Imitation's the biggest form of flattery. I wish you would use it right. Don't just use it to put it on somebody. Put it on to win your match, not do it for a high spot or something like that." [1:47 – 2:25]

Lacey Evans has spoken out about her feelings and has not minced words. In her interview with Chris Van Vliet, she called Sgt. Slaughter and his family "weak" and took shots at the family as a whole.

"I think they're frickin weak. Remember that weak word we just talked about? Yeah. And no disrespect to like Hall of Famers in WWE that have paved the way, he can kiss my a** and his daughter can too, so record that. Have a good day. I don't know where the hell that came from. They know the game. You go to work. You get told this is what you're doing. And what a lot of people don't know what was said and what was done and how they discussed it with him and they talked to him and that is none of my damn concern." [H/T Chris Van Vliet]

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